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Awards For Retired Firemen

Firefighter Retirement Awards - Tip and Suggestions

Whether it's a retiring long standing Fire Chief or Officer, or just a "moving on" rank and file guy (or gal) - outgoing firefighters deserve to be honored appropriately and with dignity.

Some things to be considered when planning a Fireman Retirement affair include but are not limited to:

Who should be present - fellow firefighters of course, immediate family and relatives (important), other departments (police, ems, etc.), close friends.

How formal to make it - depends on the rank, age, service, size of the department, and of course budget. Even the most modest of individuals have a need for recognition - it is your job to fulfill it now.

Who makes the speech: By all means - if the Fire Commissioner or Mayor is available, this is the way to go. But a big part of what makes the job of firefighting and firefighters themselves who they are, is the close association and camaraderie with fellow firefighters. A few words from "the guys" will be most genuine and well received by all.

Record It - with all the available devices today for video and photographing, there is no reason not to get some visual record of the festivities. Designate someone reliable to the task, and be sure the best shots go out to local media, your Web Site or FaceBook Page. A local press-release never hurts either.

Buying the Award(s) - is not that hard really and to a great degree the budget will dictate. Something everlasting such as a Plaque, Fire Axe, or Fire Bell will be a must, however a gift card for a local restaurant, or a round of golf, or maybe a year's worth of car washes should not be overlooked as "add on" gifts.

Lastly - if you are a couple of bucks short, ask the guys for $5 each as a donation - it might just be enough to make your firefighter send-off extra special!

Firefighter Retirement Awards

Awards For Retired Firemen

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I couldn't be happier with this flag holder. My dad was a forest fireman and became chief for our town. They do not acknowledge these men except by a funeral guard, sad to say. He risked his life ... read more

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